Category: Random

  • Translation & Localization are Two Different Things

    Translation & Localization are Two Different Things

    While reviewing some Localization strings, one of my friends commented that this is translation, and what we’re aiming for is localization. This just make me realize that these are two different things. Localization is not just about translating, but you need to deliver the message. It can be using different wording, phrasing, grammar, terms (to…

  • Indonesian KTP NIK: A Shower Thought

    Indonesian KTP NIK: A Shower Thought

    Indonesia KTP NIK (stands for Nomor Induk Kependudukan ([National] ID number [for]) Kartu Tanda Penduduk (Citizen ID Card)) is a number that assigned to each of Indonesian Citizen. KTP NIK actually contains a few information such as the location where the KTP (National ID Card) is issued, the holder’s birth-assigned sex, and their birthday date.…

  • The Pool Analogy

    The Pool Analogy

    A few days back I explained about how someone may only hear the most outrageous news/problems from the other team, and I suddenly got a stupid analogy of a pool, and I thought maybe its fun to write a blog of it. You know your pool when its warm, when its cold, but you will…

  • Dear Devs, Try to Learn How to Deploy Your Product to Production!

    Dear Devs, Try to Learn How to Deploy Your Product to Production!

    A few weeks ago, I assisted a team of developers that my friend had hired to work on a project—let’s call them Team Goldilocks (obviously not the real name of the team). Team Goldilocks had been struggling with deploying their software to production, encountering warnings, the app refusing to run, and experiencing problems with databases.…