Standards for Many Things – A Note for My (Future) Self.

This is a bunch of list that I have to do when I make things and this will be my public notes that everyone can see and comment. So please feel free to send your suggestions.

Programming, Development & Sysadmin

  1. When managing DNS, make sure you name the IP. For exampe:

Privacy-related Stuff

  1. When some entities asked you to send out your Govt. ID, put up a sign of entities who asked for it. For example, you can put something like Tw*tter Verification 6/2020 on the surface of the ID that doesn’t cover important data.
  2. Most receipt has their ID on it. If you swipe in your card, or use reward card, there’s a high possibility that it will add your ID as well. Burn it.
  3. When buying online, make sure you cut out the shipping label and glued invoice/booking codes and then burn/shred it.


  1. Youtube: If you show links in your videos, put them in the descriptions! Don’t make people retype your links!

Printables & Medias

  1. When you show links (that are long) on printables, make it a QR.
  2. QR Code should have at least half of that big box padding to make sure most phones can see them. The smallest dot on the QR code can’t be smaller than 1mm.
  3. While telling people to do specific action that requires the audience to access the web, you have to specify a special page for it.
    For example Perpustakaan UNPAR should’ve create a special page for “surat keterangan bebas pinjam” and give link to people as instead of giving and make the audience search the feature for 2 minutes.
